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Department of Homeland Security


Preventing terrorism and enhancing security; managing our borders; administering immigration laws; securing cyberspace; and ensuring disaster resilience.
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GPS Roles and Responsibilities

  • Provides user support to the civilian GPS community through the Coast Guard Navigation Center (NAVCEN) and the Civil GPS Service Interface Committee (CGSIC). Learn more about CGSIC
  • Identifies GPS requirements for homeland security purposes.
  • Coordinates efforts to identify, locate, and attribute domestic GPS interference.
  • Maintains a central database for reports of domestic and international interference to civil use of GPS and its augmentations, and notifies departments and agencies of GPS interference.
  • Promotes the use of GPS by federal, state, local, tribal, and private sectors responsible for public safety and emergency response.
  • Applies GPS technology to a broad variety of governmental activities, including: emergency planning and response; border protection; law enforcement; and Coast Guard operations.