About This Website

PNT logo The U.S. government publishes the GPS.gov website to educate the public about the Global Positioning System (GPS) and related topics.

The contents of GPS.gov are maintained by the National Coordination Office for Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) in coordination with multiple federal agencies. The National Coordination Office was established by Presidential directive to ensure interagency transparency about PNT programs, policies, budgets, and activities. Learn more

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), part of the U.S. Department of Commerce, hosts GPS.gov on its web servers on behalf of the National Coordination Office. Visit NOAA.gov

To comment on the contents of this website, please use our Contact Us page. Go there

Consolidation of GPS Websites

In 2011, President Obama directed federal agencies to consolidate and reduce the number of .GOV websites. Learn more at whitehouse.gov

In response, the National Coordination Office phased out PNT.gov, a website about GPS policy and management. In August 2012, the PNT website was discontinued, with all contents moved to the Governance section of GPS.gov. Go there

Also in 2012, the Coast Guard transferred the website of the Civil GPS Service Interface Committee (CGSIC) to GPS.gov. Go there

In 2010, the Air Force transferred its online library of GPS Interface Control Documents to GPS.gov. Go there

From 1997-2004, the IGEB.gov website provided information about GPS policy and management. After that website ended, various materials were preserved on PNT.gov and now GPS.gov. View materials

We continue to consolidate GPS-related web content to make GPS.gov a "one-stop shop" for government GPS information.

Linking Policy

As a U.S. government website, GPS.gov only provides links to government agencies, GPS program contractors, and non-profit groups. We avoid linking to sites that promote specific commercial products, services, or views.

Please do not send link exchange requests unless you are from a government or non-profit organization.

For your convenience, GPS.gov offers bookmarking and sharing tools that link to commercially operated communication services and social networks. The availability of these tools at GPS.gov should not be construed as a U.S. government endorsement of any commercial goods, services, or views expressed on non-government sites.

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Who's "We"?

GPS.gov is an official communications product of the U.S. government. Throughout the website, the term "we" refers to the U.S. government as a whole. The information found on these pages has been reviewed by multiple federal agencies and deemed to be correct on the date of publication, which appears at the bottom of each page.