Fiscal Year 2023 Program Funding

Updated April 27, 2022

Budget of the U.S. Government | Fiscal Year 2023 | Office of Management and Budget | The White House | Washington

On March 28, 2022, the White House released President Biden's Fiscal Year 2023 budget proposal. This page lists the FY 2023 funding amounts requested, authorized, and appropriated for each element of the nation's GPS program, as well as other related budget items.

Each line item below provides external links to original source documents, including bills, report language, and agency budget justifications submitted to Congress.

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Defense Appropriations

The President's budget for FY 2023 requests $1.84 billion for the Department of Defense (DOD) GPS program, including U.S. Space Force procurement and research, development, testing, and evaluation (RDT&E). View source (9.3 MB PDF)

Funding Marks

Line Item
Procurement: GPS III Follow-On Satellites
Procurement, Space Force, Line Item 7, "GPS03C / GPS III Follow On"
View justification (3.2 MB PDF)
Procurement: GPS III Satellites
Procurement, Space Force, Line Item 8, "GPS III / GPS III Space Segment"
View justification (3.2 MB PDF)
Procurement: Space Mods
Procurement, Space Force, Line Item 22, "SPCMOD / Space Mods Space", "NAVSTAR Global Positioning" (NOTE: Figures here only reflect GPS elements of the $73.957 million line item)
View justification (3.2 MB PDF)
Procurement: Initial Spares/Repair Parts
Procurement, Space Force, Line Item 24, "SPARE / Spares and Repair Parts", "NAVSTAR Global Positioning System (Control Segment)" (NOTE: Figures here only reflect GPS elements of the $1.352 million line item)
View justification (3.2 MB PDF)
Development: GPS III
RDT&E, Space Force, Line Item No. 57 / "PE 1203265SF / GPS III Space Segment"
View justification (5.6 MB PDF)
Development: GPS III Follow-On Satellites
RDT&E, Space Force, Line Item No. 21 / "PE 1203269SF / GPS III Follow-On (GPS IIIF)"
View justification (5.6 MB PDF)
Development: Next Generation Operational Control System (OCX) and GPS Enterprise Integrator
RDT&E, Space Force, Line Item No. 64 / "PE 1206423SF / Global Positioning System III - Operational Control Segment"
View justification (5.6 MB PDF)
Development: Military GPS User Equipment (MGUE)
RDT&E, Space Force, Line Item No. 6 / "PE 1203164SF / NAVSTAR Global Positioning System (User Equipment) (SPACE)"
View justification (5.6 MB PDF)
TOTAL $1.836787B

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Transportation Appropriations

The President's budget for the Department of Transportation requests $91.8 million to operate a civil GPS augmentation system (WAAS) in FY 2023. It also includes $10 million in investments intended to increase positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) resilience and security.

Funding Marks

Line Item
Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) for GPS
FAA Facilities & Equipment, Activity 2, Budget Item 2D02, "Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) for GPS"
View justification (5.8 MB PDF)
GPS Backup/Complementary PNT Technologies Research
Office of the Secretary of Transportation, Research and Technology
(NOTE: Figures here only reflect one element of the $48.147 million line item)

View justification (2.3 MB PDF)
Executive Order 13905 Implementation and GPS Signal Authentication
Office of the Secretary of Transportation, Research and Technology
(NOTE: Figures here only reflect one element of the $48.147 million line item)

View justification (2.3 MB PDF)

National Timing Resilience and Security Act

The DOT budget request includes a proposal to repeal the National Timing Resilience and Security Act. View justification (2.3 MB PDF)

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