Launch/Early Orbit, Anomaly Resolution, and Disposal Operations (LADO)

In 2007, the Air Force fielded the Launch/early orbit, Anomaly resolution, and Disposal Operations system to handle non-operational GPS (Block IIA/IIR/IIR-M, IIF) satellites. These include:

The LADO system serves three primary functions:

The LADO system is part of the GPS Operational Control Segment (OCS), but it is separate from the AEP system that commands and controls the operational GPS satellite constellation. Learn about AEP

The LADO system uses the Air Force Satellite Control Network (AFSCN) remote tracking stations only, not the dedicated GPS ground antennas. View map (PDF)

The LADO system has been upgraded several times since 2007. In October 2010, the Air Force operationally accepted a new version adding GPS Block IIF capability.

In the future, LADO and the entire GPS control segment will be replaced with the Next Generation Operational Control System (OCX). Learn more about OCX

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