1997-2004 News Items
From the IGEB Era
The Interagency GPS Executive Board (IGEB) was the predecessor to the National Executive Committee for Space-Based PNT. Established by Presidential directive in March 1996, the IGEB operated through December 2004. The following GPS-related materials were released during that time period.
Unfortunately, many of the source documents mentioned below are no longer online.
- Dec 14: U.S.-Russia Joint Statement on GPS and Glonass
- Nov 22: U.S.-Japan Joint Statement on GPS Cooperation
- Oct: IGEB Report on GPS L1 Civil Signal Modernization (L1C)
- Oct: Final Report from June 2004 India-U.S. Space Conference
- Jun 26: White House Press Statement on GPS-Galileo Cooperation Agreement; Remarks by Secretary of State Colin Powell; Signed Agreement Text
- Feb 25: EC-U.S. Joint Statement on GPS-Galileo Cooperation
- Jan 8: U.S. Media Note on GPS-Galileo Cooperation
- Nov 21: EC-U.S. Joint Statement on GPS-Galileo Cooperation
- Jul: FAA Commissions Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) for Aviation Use
- Mar 21: U.S. Policy Statement Regarding Civil GPS Availability
- Oct 16: U.S.-Japan Announcement on GPS-QZSS Cooperation
- Mar: 2001 Federal Radionavigation Plan and Federal Radionavigation Systems Document
- Mar 7: State Department Media Note on GPS and Galileo Talks
- Mar 7: DOT Announces Action Plan for Transportation Infrastructure Relying on GPS
- Oct: Updated GPS SPS Performance Standard
- Sep 17: Special Notice Regarding Selective Availability
- Sep 10: DOT Report on Vulnerability of GPS-Dependent Transportation Infrastructure (BTS.gov)
- Jun 29: Announcement of Public Forum on the New Civil GPS Signals
- Apr: Independent Review Board Completes Review of WAAS Program
- Apr: Public Comments Invited on ICD-GPS-200C (extended to April 20, 2001)
- Feb 5: U.S.-Japan Joint Announcement Reconfirming GPS Cooperation
- Dec: Decimeter Level Positioning May Be Available in 2001
- Oct 30: IGEB Reply Comments to FCC on UWB Rulemaking
- Oct: GPS Outreach Booth Exhibited at International Transportation Symposium
- Oct: FCC Extends Comment Period on UWB Rulemaking
- Aug: GPS Funding Bill Signed into Law
- Jun: Western Governors' Association Letter Endorsing GPS Modernization and NDGPS
- Jun 20: GPS Industry Fair on Capitol Hill
- Jun: U.S. Succeeds in Protecting and Expanding GPS Spectrum at WRC-2000
- Apr 4: DOT Letter to Congress and Civil GPS Brochure
- Mar: GPS III, Selective Availability, and Other Topics Discussed at CGSIC
- Mar: Planning Begins on "GPS III" Satellites To Meet Future Requirements Through 2030
- Mar: Congressional Testimony of Commerce Under Secretary Cheryl Shavers: "By adopting a home outside the DOD, the IGEB wanted to demonstrate to the world that GPS is not a purely military system but has growing commercial applications."
- Mar: Congressional Testimony of FAA Administrator Jane Garvey: "GPS is ranked as the Department's second most important 'Flagship' initiative."
- Feb: President Requests $617 Million in FY 2001 for GPS Sustainment and Modernization
- Oct: Statement of the President on Signing DOT Bill Lacking Funds for GPS Modernization
- Sep: President's Science Advisor Addresses Institute of Navigation GPS '99 Conference
- Jan: Vice President Announces Radio Frequency Choices and Funding Plan for Civil GPS Modernization
- Oct: Biennial Report to Congress on GPS
- Sep: U.S. and Japan Issue Joint Statement on GPS Cooperation
- May: President's Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection Recommends Review of GPS Vulnerability
- Mar: Vice President Announces IGEB Decision to Add New Civilian Capabilities to Future GPS Satellites
- Feb: White House Commission on Aviation Safety and Security Recommends Additional Civilian GPS Signal to Enhance Aviation Safety
1997-2004 Presentations from Conferences and Meetings
Please note that many links on this page lead to other websites beyond GPS.gov.