United States–Russian Federation
GPS/GLONASS Interoperability and Compatibility Working Group (WG-1)

Yaroslavl, Ring Premier Hotel, 14 December, 2006

Joint Statement

Working Group 1 met on December 13-14, 2006, in Yaroslavl, Russia, and discussed a range of issues. This was the third meeting of the working group. The meeting was highly successful and resolved many questions regarding interoperability and compatibility between the GPS and GLONASS systems. Both sides noted that concerning the question of the use FDMA and CDMA significant progress was made in understanding the benefit to the user community of using a common approach. The Russian side noted that a decision in this regard would be made by the end of 2007.

Both sides agreed that the planned International Satellite Forum 2007 to be held April 9-10, 2007, in Moscow will be a unique opportunity to demonstrate the benefits of GLONASS and GPS interoperability in the Russian Federation for civil applications.

/signature/ Mark Crews

/signature/ Vladimir Klimov