NOTE: This archived news release contains outdated contact information and web addresses.

News Release


March 22, 2007

Doc Mirelson
National PNT Coordination Office

David Steitz/Bob Jacobs
Headquarters, Washington

National Positioning, Navigation and Timing Advisory Board Named

WASHINGTON - The National Executive Committee for Space-Based Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PNT) and NASA announced Thursday, March 22, the members of the National Space-Based Positioning, Navigation and Timing Advisory Board. The 24 member board will be chaired by James Schlesinger, and Brad Parkinson is the vice-chair.

The U.S. Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing Policy of Dec. 8, 2004, established a permanent National Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing Executive Committee. The committee is co-chaired by the deputy secretaries of the Departments of Defense and Transportation with equivalent representatives from the Departments of State, Commerce, and Homeland Security; the Joint Chiefs of Staff and NASA.

NASA established the advisory board on behalf of the executive committee. The board will operate in an advisory capacity as directed by the national PNT policy and in accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act. The board will provide advice, as directed by the Executive Committee, about U.S. space-based PNT policy, services, planning and program management. The board's first meeting is in Washington March 29-30. The public meetings will be in the Polaris Suite, Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, 1300 Pennsylvania Ave. For board information, contact the Advisory Committee Management Officer, Diane Rausch at: 202-358-4510.

For information about U.S. national PNT policy, the executive committee, advisory board members, charter and meeting dates, visit:

U.S. Advisory Board Members:

James R. Schlesinger, Chair - Chairman, Board of Trustees, MITRE
Bradford Parkinson, Vice Chair - professor, Stanford University
Phil Boyer - Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association
Captain Joseph D. Burns - United Airlines
Ann Ciganer - U.S. GPS Industry Council
Susan M. Cischke - Ford Motor Company
Per K. Enge - professor, Stanford University
Martin C. Faga - Former President and CEO of MITRE
Keith R. Hall - Booz-Allen Hamilton
Robert J. Hermann - Global Technology Partners, LLC
Chester A. Huber - OnStar Corporation
David Logsdon - U.S. Chamber of Commerce
General Lance Lord, USAF (Ret.) - Former Commander Air Force Space Command
General James P. McCarthy, USAF (Ret.) - professor, U.S. Air Force Academy
Terence J. McGurn - Retired CIA (private consultant)
Timothy A. Murphy - The Boeing Company
Ruth Neilan - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Charles R. Trimble - Chairman, U.S. GPS Industry Council

International Committee:

Gerhard Beutler - International Association of Geodesy (Switzerland)
Arve Dimmen - Norwegian Coastal Administration (Norway)
Suresh V. Kibe - Indian Space Research Organization (India)
Keith McPherson - Airservices Australia (Australia)
Hiroshi Nishiguchi - Japan GPS Council (Japan)
Captain Richard A. Smith, Royal Navy (Ret.) - International Association of Institutes of Navigation (U.K.)