Jeffrey N. Shane

Jeffrey N. Shane The Honorable Jeff Shane is the former General Counsel for the International Air Transport Association, which he joined in April 2013. In that role, he was responsible for managing IATA's Legal Services group, the delivery of legal support to IATA's operational units around the world, and for working with IATA's member airlines to address legal issues of importance to the industry at large. He retired from IATA in 2020, but continues to represent the organization on the Advisory Board.

Immediately prior to joining IATA, Mr. Shane was a partner at Hogan Lovells LLP in its Washington, DC office. In addition to his 14 years in private law practice, Mr. Shane had a long career in the U.S. Government. He held three Presidential appointments, including Under Secretary of Transportation for Policy between 2003 and 2008. In addition to other senior positions at the U.S. Department of Transportation, he was Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Transportation Affairs for four years, where he served as chief U.S. aviation negotiator.

Recognized for his role in establishing an Open Skies aviation policy for the United States, Mr. Shane was also a principal architect of USDOT's approach to international aviation alliances and antitrust immunity. He was an early champion of the "NextGen" transformation of the U.S. air traffic control system, the acceleration of GPS modernization, and other technology initiatives to enhance the safety, security, and efficiency of aviation and other modes of transportation.

Mr. Shane was appointed a member of the Federal Aviation Administration's Management Advisory Council in September 2017. He has served as President of the triennial Assembly of the International Civil Aviation Organization, Chairman of the Commission on Air Transport of the Paris-based International Chamber of Commerce, Chairman of the Military Airlift Committee of the National Defense Transportation Association, and Chair of the American Bar Association's Forum on Air and Space Law. He taught for four years as an Adjunct Professor of Law at Georgetown University.

The recipient of a number of professional recognitions, Mr. Shane is a graduate of Princeton and Columbia Law School. He is a member of the District of Columbia Bar. He lives with his wife and two daughters in Founex, Switzerland, near Geneva.