Dana Goward

Dana Goward Mr. Dana Goward is the President of the Resilient Navigation and Timing Foundation, a 501(c)3 scientific and educational charity. The foundation is dedicated to protecting, toughening, and augmenting GPS signals. Foundation efforts include supporting GPS spectrum protection, stronger laws, and better enforcement against jamming and spoofing, and making GPS services nearly "bullet proof" with a high power terrestrial augmenting signal.

He retired in 2013 from the U.S. federal Senior Executive Service as the nation's maritime navigation authority, with 12 business lines budgeted at over $1.3B/yr. Mr. Goward has represented the United States at IMO, IALA, the UN anti-piracy working group, and other international forums.

A career Coast Guard officer, among his many assignments were command of the Coast Guard's Air Station in New Orleans and leadership of the service's nationwide boat operations as the first Chief, Office of Boat Forces. He retired from uniformed service as a Captain in 2003.

Mr. Goward is Chairman Emeritus of the Board for the Association for Rescue at Sea, and the proprietor at Maritime Governance, LLC, and the recipient of the Institute of Navigation’s Hays award for inspirational leadership.