Hearing on GPS and Aviation Safety:
A Review of Issues Associated with Protecting and Improving Our Nation's Aviation Satellite-Based Global Positioning System Infrastructure

House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee
Subcommittee on Aviation
February 8, 2012

John Porcari testifying The committee received testimony on the public policy ramifications of protecting infrastructure to ensure transportation safety and efficiencies provided by GPS.

Government and industry witnesses warned that LightSquared's proposed terrestrial network would disrupt many aviation GPS receivers, including FAA requirements for low-altitude operations in the vicinity of LightSquared transmitters.

Deputy Secretary of Transportation John Porcari proposed that federal agencies work to draft new GPS spectrum interference standards to help inform future proposals for non-space, commercial uses in the bands adjacent to the GPS signals, to strengthen existing national policy protection of adjacent band spectrum.


Panel 1

Panel 2

  • Mr. Thomas Hendricks
    Senior Vice President for Safety, Security and Operations
    Airlines for America
  • Captain Sean Cassidy
    First Vice President
    Air Line Pilots Association
  • Mr. Craig Fuller
    Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association
  • Mr. John Foley
    Director, Aviation GNSS Technology
  • Dr. Scott Pace
    Director, Space Policy Institute
    The George Washington University
Learn more about LightSquared-GPS interference Read official transcript at GPO.gov

Please note that GPS.gov only publishes the written testimony of federal officials. The testimony of other witnesses is available via the link above.

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