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Civil GPS Service Interface Committee
International Information Subcommittee

Regional Meeting
Gold Coast 2006

The International Information Subcommittee (IISC) of the Civil GPS Service Interface Committee (CGSIC) held its 4th Australian meeting in Gold Coast, Australia, on July 17, 2006.


Monday, 17 July 2006

Session 1

1 Welcome
Keith McPherson, Vice Chair Asia Pacific
Download presentation (249 KB PowerPoint file)

2 Welcome
John Wilde, International Deputy Chair CGSIC
Download presentation (962 KB PowerPoint file)

3 Role of CGSIC IISC
John Wilde International Deputy Chair CGSIC

4 GPS Policy Overview
Captain Matthew Blizard Deputy Chair CGSIC

5 Overview of Activities at the Australian Research Centre for Aerospace Automation (ARCAA), QUT
Troy Bruggeman
Download presentation (8 MB PowerPoint file)

Session 2

6 Civil NANUs & GPS Reporting
Rebecca Casswell Executive Secretariat CGSIC

7 Carrier Phase-Based GNSS
Matt Higgins Senior Surveyor Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Queensland
Download presentation (2 MB PowerPoint file)

8 Vulnerability
Keith McPherson, Airservices Australia
Download presentation (3 MB PowerPoint file)

9 GNSS and ATM Planning
Jorge Woods, CASA
Download presentation (134 KB PowerPoint file)

Session 3

10 Aviation use of GBAS Cat-1
Keith McPherson Airservices Australia
Download presentation (2 MB PowerPoint file)

11 Victorian Differential GPS Network
Peter Ramm, Department of Sustainability and Environment, Victoria
Download presentation (891 KB PowerPoint file)

12 Aviation use of GRAS
Keith McPherson Airservices Australia
Download presentation (1 MB PowerPoint file)

Session 4

13 Interference
Prof Chris Rizos
Download presentation (11 MB PowerPoint file)

14 Discussion Group
Issues with the use of GPS in Australia and Region

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